Monday, August 25, 2008

Practicing a Japanese Martial Art

The more you learn about martial arts, the more you will want to know about the different countries that are credited with bringing the art form to life. Japanese martial art is unique in its own right, and this guide will give you the information you need to be a better fighter and student of this combative art form.

First, it is important to realize that there are several forms of martial arts that come from Japan. The warriors of Japan, or the samurai, used martial arts most often, but were allowed to use weapons due to their status in society.

The caste system of Japan dictated that commoners, or those who were not warriors, had to fight with their bodies only. Samurai had to learn fighting methods with and without weapons, and in later years, the fighting style became a way for the Japanese to achieve spiritual and mental clarity, since the art requires discipline of the body and mind simultaneously.

Jujitsu is a popular form of Japanese martial art, and requires a significant amount of precision and skill. Joint locks, as well as throwing techniques, are used in this form of combat. This is slighting different from some other forms of fighting art, in which jabs or punches are taught as the principle form of combat. While this may be considered a soft form of fighting by some, the techniques used in the fighting technique are heavily practiced by the most skilled students of fighting.

Sumo is another form of fighting inspired by the Japanese; most people associate sumo wrestling with Buddha-sized men in loincloths, but the art of throwing and dodging an opponent are important in this sport as well. It still takes a lot of skill and alertness in order to be the best at sumo wrestling, and most of the wrestlers train for years in order to excel at the sport.

If you think you want to learn more about Japanese martial art forms, there are a number of places that you can visit to get more information. Fightingarts dot com is a great resource to use if you need general information on the fighting techniques you're interested in. If you're ready to get started, you can always visit your local gym to find out about class times and personal instructors who may be able to help.

Mike LaVallee is a Mixed Martial Arts enthusiast, UFC fan and webmaster of UFC Fan Gear and Great UFC Tickets

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